Saturday, 30 March 2013

Day 3

Its been a tough one today. I don't think my body likes me anymore. It valiantly put up with everything I've been eating but today its put up a bit of a fight.

I've eaten Shreddies, a sausage roll, slice if cake and a curry with a naan. The naan really wiped me out and caused a fair amount of discomfort, the feeling made me quite panicky. The sleep after this meal was fitful.

So today:
- lots of sleeping/fitful sleep
- shooting pains in belly
- constipation
- tingling feeling in hands/fingers
- headache
- groggy head
- heavy limbs
- cloggy throat
- tingling in my face
- queasy
- dehydrated
- panic feeling

When I've eaten I tend to sleep quite soon after. Its a weird kind of sleep though. At times I'm aware of what is going on around me but I can't respond, like my mind is awake but my body has shut down. It is a very strange feeling.

I usually get an upset stomach with wheat but it seems to be the opposite this time... maybe it is the quantity, but it is equally as horrible!

After only three days its beginning to taking its toll. Only 11 more to go though!

My sisters birthday tomorrow so that will be something to look forward to :)

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