Next week I'm eating wheat again after having cut it out for 4 years... I'm terrified to say the least. The doctors want to test me for coeliac disease.
I thought I would start this blog because I've been searching for some info about anyone who may have done something similar but haven't been successful. Now that doesn't mean there aren't people out there... I have to admit I'm not very good with the internet...
So here is a bit about how I got to this point. For years I've suffered with digestive issues and it got to a point where I was getting so ill that I struggled to leave the house at times. I then saw a program on TV about a lady who had similar symptoms, she cut out wheat and it 'cured' her. I thought, well that's worth a try surely. I took myself off to the doctors who said 'sure cut it out for a few months and see if it makes a difference'.
If only I knew then what I know now! I would have asked to be tested before cutting it out. I even went back twice to be sure that what I was doing was okay and both times they said its perfectly healthy and wont do me any harm. Not once did they think to do any tests... bit of a touchy subject for me.
4 years later I learn about coeliacs and its potential long term health problems. I see a dietitian who says I should be tested. After many months of back forth with doctors I finally have a date for a blood test but have to eat gluten again. I've decided I will do it so I know either way what I have.
I'm going to try and keep this blog going as a way of noting down my symptoms day to day.
It all starts Thursday 28th March... Seeing as I'll probably be housebound this will give me something to do hehe
Until next time