Saturday, 7 September 2013

More than Gluten

So I got tested privately the other day for food allergies/intolerance. No big surprise that wheat came up but the others have taken some getting used to.

Cows milk and cheese, yeast and caffeine came up too! Caffeine I don't drink anyway so that's fine. Yeast and its related stuff is going to be a tough one to cut out I think.

The alternatives to milk I am actually preferring and enjoying. BUT no chocolate! After two days its already killing me!

I feel like I have actually gone through some of the stages of grief... despair, denial, anger... almost acceptance hehe.

I don't think I'll have a problem with cutting out dairy, its just the yeast. Its in things I had no idea it was in and reduces my gluten free options too.

I'll get there just like I did with gluten. I think the best thing for me to do is eat natural, raw products as much as I can.

Any help and suggestions would be great. Like is there a bread out there I can actually eat? Where do I buy carob from? I need some kind of chocolate replacement NEED! Hehe